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Published by GIA Editor

Protecting to Grow NZ Biosecurity Forum
Around 200 attendees from New Zealand and Australia attended the Protecting to Grow New Zealand Biosecurity Forum 2016 and Biosecurity 2025 implementation workshops in late November. The forum was co-hosted by GIA and the Ministry for Primary Industries. Read more

Potato industry further strengthens biosecurity partnership
Potatoes New Zealand Inc. (PNZ) have signed an agreement with Government to better protect the potato industry it represents in managing biosecurity. Read more

Minister for Primary Industries, the Hon Nathan Guy launched the Biosecurity 2025 Direction Statement at a biosecurity forum in Auckland, jointly run by MPI and its GIA partners. The partners of GIA welcome the release of Government’s Biosecurity 2025 Direction Statement saying the strategy is a major step in the right direction.

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The 2016 Annual Report, highlighting the past year’s achievements of GIA, is now available. An electronic version is available here. If you would like a hard copy sent to you, please contact the Secretariat. Read more

Fresh vegetable industry signs biosecurity agreement
Vegetables New Zealand Incorporated have signed an agreement with Government to better protect the fresh vegetable growers it represents in managing biosecurity procedures. Vegetables NZ Inc joins 12 other primary sector industry groups that have joined with the Government in the GIA partnership. Read more

The Deed Governance Group met in October. A separate report from this meeting is available here. Read more

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